Pursuing optimal human connection
is integral to a healthy and balanced life.
Let the beauty
of what you love
be what you do.
Embodied Relational Sex Therapy
“Pleasurable good feelings are non-defensive and expansive. We feel energized yet relaxed, open to the possibilities for emotional and physical nourishment through exploration, adventure, and play. Loving intimate relationships are life’s greatest joys. The ability to feel loved and loving toward one another, to trust each other’s support, to thoroughly enjoy each other’s company, to repair misattunements and injuries in a way that strengthens and deepens the relationship, and to share intimate arousal, fulfilling sexual pleasure, are the blessings offered by effective embodied relational sex therapy.”
-Body-to-Body Intimacy: Transformation through Love, Sex and Neurobiology, P. 123 by Stella Resnick
People who fare the best in life
are the people who lean in to relationships.
- Robert Waldinger
Love must be sincere.
-Romans 12:9